Program Operation

Powerful and easy-to-use software to manage our feeding systems, save historical information on dosing activity and control the traceability of fish and feed.




Introduce Company and fish farm´s name. Specie, Alimentation Plan, Distribution Plan, FCR Plan, Temperatura and percentage of feed to use in each silo, are data that software will use by default when you add tanks. Buttons in down area are to configurate technical parameters during installation.

Software FishFarmFeeder Setup

See activity feeding system, capacity silos, alerts, alarms and software messages.

Software FishFarmFeeder Scada
Fish Farm

Edit draw of fish farm with tanks in text and graphic mode.

Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Graph
Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Text

Introduce species to use with feeding system and create lots to follow traceability.

Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Specie

Introduce types of feed to use in silos and create lots to follow traceability.

Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Feed

Introduce tanks with name assigned. Feeding machine associated and number of hose should be configured during feeder installation.

In drop-down list you shall indicate if tank will be fed (green), if temporaly deactivated (orange) or without fishes (red). Software only generates program alimentation of tanks in ON (green).

Associate this tank with a ALIMENTATION TABLE, DISTRIBUTION TABLE and FCR TABLE to use in alimentation plan.

Number of fishes and weight average are necessary to calculate biomass. Depending on ALIMENTATON TABLE program will calculate total dose to deliver per day. Use percentage to increase or decrease this value in next alimentation plan.

Indicate to feeder what percentage of feed shall deliver of each silo (default 100%).

In the rigth side you can see as your doses will be processed by feeding system.

Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Tank

ALIMENTATION TABLE: Introduce, depending on fish size and temperature, percentage of feed in accordance with tank biomass to deliver in a day. Some versions use SGR formula to calculate the quantity instead of this table.

DISTRIBUTION TABLE: Introduce percentage of feed to deliver per each hour and minute in a day.

FCR TABLE: Introduce, depending on fish size and temperature, percentage of biomass to increase in tank after feeding depending on doses delivered. Some versions use SGR formula to calculate the quantity instead of this table.

Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Table Feeding
Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Table Dosing
Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Table FCR

Click on Alimentation Plan button to send doses of the tanks in ON (green colour) according to DISTRIBUTION TABLE to the feeding system.

Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Table Planning

Create Protocols of alimentation for different species (only for hatchery feeder).

Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Protocols

See summary and detail of dosing activity.

Software FishFarmFeeder Summery Historical

Reports of dosing (can be exported to Exce File).

Software FishFarmFeeder Reports Detail
Software FishFarmFeeder Reports

We manufacture Customized Aquaculture Feeding Systems

Greater efficiency and cost reduction. For all species.

We manufacture Customized Aquaculture Feeding Systems

Greater efficiency and cost reduction. For all species.

Founded in 2008, we manufacture only feeding systems for Aquaculture, feeding all stages of the life of the fish and/or shrimp.


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